Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Endurance Quota Upgraded.

Life could be pretty amazing, but how you fix the adamant will be another issue. Oh well it's somewhat full of smiles and frowns I am not prepared to catch it. It's just perfect to kick start with some guzzling jolt, and I'll be able to motor from task to task. Anyway, I literally love the recent weather where streets were drizzled in autumn leaves!

The bittersweet journey of A-Levels, yes, the Pre-U phase has finally come to an end. Just imagine how you bolt through the crowd with excitement to have a glimpse of your achievements but it turned out - HORRIBLY OBNOXIOUS.  It was a tough time for an egoistic young lady ( referring to myself, yes ) to accept her own failures, fell greatly out of her expectation. Indeed, this is due to the fact that failures are more finely etched in our minds than triumphs. When cliques around you, told you that it is good enough, move on from imperfections and gravitate towards a new hope. I'm thankful I could be totally frank to spill the beans to my college seniors/ best friends whom I meet in a weekly basis, because I don't really have to camouflage my fatigue and sorrows. In some way, their sarcasm act as an encouragement.

Apart from friends, how could I not mention the significance of biblical theology? I want offer a big praise to the Most-High God for blessings and lessons thus far. "When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm. Father You are King over the flood, I will be still know YOU are God."

Embarking to the new LLB program (which in fact doesn't sound new to me at all), initially I was inclined to hoopla of excitement. Questions get sticky. Relentless pace. A sophomore year perhaps? (Summer break sounds harmful if you're not aware of the momentum). I prevent myself from drowning in self-pity despite how the weight of emotions hold me down. I choose to take setbacks as a golden platform, learn not to react, sometimes proactive. When there's collision of interest, you know what to do. You will adapt, you will blend in peacefully, you will jump onto the bandwagon. Thank you people for the high tolerance of both my frivolous and insolence side. (well maybe sound exaggerated)
"Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto Thee" shall be my ultimate priority.
Greater things are yet to come! There are always pockets of improvement. Besides, I was really glad to have a god-bro who offers to provide help in academic from church!  I can rest assure that my Almighty Lord is guarding over me, His light will dispel my darkness, and I shall thrive through meritoriously with a little effort and passion. Remember, FAITH makes all things possible!
Prophetic or pathetic is YOUR CHOICE.

Alright, there's enough sensational detail to keep the tabloid pages filled. Bye!

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